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The income statement, balance sheet and cashflow below provide a short and clear overview of SBB’s financial situation from a Group perspective. By showing the public sector funding, we make clear the significance of public money to SBB, and not least for the additions to assets. The figures on SBB’s purchasing volume and references from the extensive annual and financial reports as well as diagrams on selected financial indices round up the insight into SBB’s finances.
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | ∆ |
Income statement |
Operating income |
CHF m | 9,216 | 9,870 | 10,727 | 11,424 | 11,406 | -0.2% |
Operating incomeFootnoteRevenue in 2024 was CHF 9,913 million (operating income minus retained earnings; 2023: CHF 9,995 million, −0.8%).Share
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Traffic revenue |
CHF m | [3,345] | 3,409 | 4,242 | 4,578 | 4,815 | +5.2% |
Traffic revenueShare
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Passenger revenues |
CHF m | 2,465 | 2,540 | 3,395 | 3,731 | 3,974 | +6.5% |
Passenger revenuesShare
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Freight revenues |
CHF m | 762 | 777 | 747 | 745 | 732 | -1.8% |
Freight revenuesShare
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Operating services revenue |
CHF m | [29] | — | — | — | — | — |
Operating services revenueFootnoteRail operating services have been included in other income since 2022 and retroactively including 2021.Share
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Revenue from infrastructure use |
CHF m | 89 | 92 | 101 | 102 | 109 | +6.4% |
Revenue from infrastructure useShare
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Public-sector funding |
CHF m | [3,149] | [3,264] | [3,127] | 3,180 | 3,056 | -3.9% |
Public-sector fundingFootnoteOnly payments reflected in income statement. From 2024 including grants for regional passenger transport by bodies other than the Confederation and cantons; adjusted retroactively in 2023.Share
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Grants for regional passenger services |
CHF m | [812] | [834] | [788] | 800 | 710 | -11.2% |
Grants for regional passenger servicesFootnoteFrom 2024 including grants for regional passenger transport by bodies other than the Confederation and cantons; adjusted retroactively in 2023.Share
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Contributions to the rail infrastructure |
CHF m | 2,317 | 2,387 | 2,338 | 2,378 | 2,344 | -1.4% |
Contributions to the rail infrastructureShare
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Grants for freight traffic |
CHF m | 21 | 43 | 1 | 2 | 2 | +4.2% |
Grants for freight trafficShare
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Rental income from real estate |
CHF m | 546 | 608 | 657 | 686 | 718 | +4.7% |
Rental income from real estateShare
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Other income |
CHF m | [925] | [1,200] | [1,343] | 1,552 | 1,323 | -14.7% |
Other incomeFootnoteFrom 2024 excluding grants for regional passenger transport by bodies other than the Confederation and cantons; adjusted retroactively in 2023.Share
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Own work capitalised |
CHF m | 1,250 | 1,349 | 1,357 | 1,429 | 1,493 | +4.5% |
Own work capitalisedShare
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Operating expenses |
CHF m | -9,730 | -10,094 | -10,887 | -11,050 | -11,012 | -0.3% |
Cost of materials |
CHF m | -753 | -777 | -828 | -900 | -933 | +3.7% |
Cost of materialsShare
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Personnel expenses |
CHF m | -4,360 | -4,407 | -4,540 | -4,685 | -4,824 | +3.0% |
Personnel expensesShare
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Other operating expenses |
CHF m | -2,121 | -2,447 | -2,811 | -2,919 | -2,675 | -8.3% |
Other operating expensesShare
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Depreciation |
CHF m | -2,497 | -2,462 | -2,707 | -2,546 | -2,580 | +1.3% |
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Depreciation of financial assets |
CHF m | -7 | -2 | -1 | -1 | 0 | -99.7% |
Depreciation of financial assetsShare
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Depreciation of tangible assets |
CHF m | -2,278 | -2,254 | -2,453 | -2,305 | -2,337 | +1.4% |
Depreciation of tangible assetsShare
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Depreciation of intangible assets |
CHF m | -212 | -206 | -254 | -241 | -243 | +1.1% |
Depreciation of intangible assetsShare
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Operating result/EBIT |
CHF m | -515 | -225 | -160 | 374 | 393 | +5.1% |
Operating result/EBITShare
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Financial result |
CHF m | -139 | -98 | -135 | -115 | -110 | -4.6% |
Financial resultShare
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Profit from real estate sales |
CHF m | 44 | 24 | 8 | 30 | 6 | -81.7% |
Profit from real estate salesShare
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Income taxes |
CHF m | -17 | -23 | -21 | -19 | -12 | -36.8% |
Income taxesShare
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Minority interests |
CHF m | 10 | -4 | 62 | -4 | -2 | -54.9% |
Minority interestsShare
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Consolidated result |
CHF m | -617 | -325 | -245 | 267 | 275 | +3.2% |
Balance sheet |
Assets |
CHF m | 51,335 | 52,058 | 53,562 | 55,022 | 56,412 | +2.5% |
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Current assets |
CHF m | 1,759 | 1,400 | 1,401 | 1,729 | 1,816 | +5.0% |
Current assetsShare
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Fixed assets |
CHF m | 49,576 | 50,658 | 52,161 | 53,293 | 54,596 | +2.4% |
Fixed assetsShare
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Financial assets |
CHF m | 530 | 627 | 482 | 489 | 503 | +2.7% |
Financial assetsShare
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Property, plant and equipment |
CHF m | 38,923 | 42,029 | 43,893 | 44,287 | 45,171 | +2.0% |
Property, plant and equipmentShare
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Assets under construction and advance payments |
CHF m | 9,066 | 6,892 | 6,632 | 7,280 | 7,664 | +5.3% |
Assets under construction and advance paymentsShare
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Intangible assets |
CHF m | 1,057 | 1,110 | 1,154 | 1,236 | 1,258 | +1.8% |
Intangible assetsShare
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Equity and liabilities |
CHF m | 51,335 | 52,058 | 53,562 | 55,022 | 56,412 | +2.5% |
Equity and liabilitiesShare
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Public loans (Federal and cantonal) |
CHF m | 23,813 | 24,343 | 25,785 | 26,618 | 27,318 | +2.6% |
Public loans (Federal and cantonal)Share
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Interest-bearing debt |
CHF m | [10,811] | [11,232] | 11,585 | 11,415 | 12,280 | +7.6% |
Interest-bearing debtFootnoteNet interest-bearing debt was CHF 12.1 billion (2023: CHF 11.3 billion, +7.2%).Share
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of which net interest-bearing debt |
CHF m | [10,379] | [11,099] | 11,438 | 11,263 | 12,072 | +7.2% |
of which net interest-bearing debtShare
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Other foreign capital |
CHF m | [3,873] | [3,977] | 3,997 | 4,540 | 4,090 | -9.9% |
Other foreign capitalShare
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Equity, incl. minority interests |
CHF m | 12,838 | 12,506 | 12,196 | 12,448 | 12,725 | +2.2% |
Equity, incl. minority interestsShare
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Free cash flow |
Cash flow from operating activities including payments from the Confederation for infrastructure depreciation and amortisation |
CHF m | 1,712 | 2,334 | 2,441 | 2,776 | 2,633 | -5.1% |
Cash flow from operating activities including payments from the Confederation for infrastructure depreciation and amortisationShare
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Confederation payments for infrastructure depreciation and amortisation |
CHF m | 1,501 | 1,430 | 1,509 | 1,481 | 1,506 | +1.7% |
Confederation payments for infrastructure depreciation and amortisationShare
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Cash flow from operating activities excluding payments from the Confederation for infrastructure depreciation and amortisation |
CHF m | 211 | 904 | 932 | 1,295 | 1,127 | -13.0% |
Cash flow from operating activities excluding payments from the Confederation for infrastructure depreciation and amortisationShare
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Cash flow from investing activities |
CHF m | -1,711 | -1,468 | -1,394 | -1,109 | -1,936 | +74.7% |
Cash flow from investing activitiesShare
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Cash flow from financing activities |
CHF m | 1,202 | 286 | 475 | -181 | 824 | -555.9% |
Cash flow from financing activitiesShare
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Total cash flow |
CHF m | -299 | -279 | 13 | 6 | 15 | +149.6% |
Total cash flowShare
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Public-sector funding |
Total public-sector funding |
CHF m | [6,459] | [4,091] | [5,126] | 4,083 | 3,879 | -5.0% |
Total public-sector fundingShare
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Payments reflected in income statement |
CHF m | [3,149] | [3,264] | [3,127] | 3,180 | 3,056 | -3.9% |
Payments reflected in income statementShare
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Contributions to the rail infrastructure |
CHF m | 2,317 | 2,387 | 2,338 | 2,378 | 2,344 | -1.4% |
Contributions to the rail infrastructureShare
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Grants for regional passenger services |
CHF m | [812] | [834] | [788] | 800 | 710 | -11.2% |
Grants for regional passenger servicesShare
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Grants for freight traffic |
CHF m | 21 | 43 | 1 | 2 | 2 | +4.2% |
Grants for freight trafficShare
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Increase in loans, non-repayable contributions |
CHF m | [3,310] | [827] | [1,999] | 903 | 823 | -8.9% |
Increase in loans, non-repayable contributionsShare
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Increase in loans for financing of rail infrastructure |
CHF m | 2,083 | 778 | 1,441 | 833 | 700 | -16.0% |
Increase in loans for financing of rail infrastructureShare
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Non-repayable contributions to investments |
CHF m | [1,227] | [49] | [558] | 70 | 123 | +77.0% |
Non-repayable contributions to investmentsShare
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Additions to assets |
Additions to assets reflected in the balance sheet |
CHF m | 5,342 | 3,470 | 4,392 | 3,696 | 3,870 | +4.7% |
Additions to assets reflected in the balance sheetShare
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Passenger Services Markets and Passenger Services Production |
CHF m | 1,187 | 937 | 805 | 681 | 996 | +46.3% |
Passenger Services Markets and Passenger Services ProductionFootnotePassenger Services Markets 2022: CHF 586 million; Passenger Services Production 2022: CHF 95 million. Until 2021, the amounts shown reflect the asset additions of the former Passenger Division.Share
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Real Estate |
CHF m | 463 | 412 | 502 | 578 | 465 | -19.6% |
Real EstateShare
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Freight Section |
CHF m | 38 | 32 | 18 | 24 | 47 | +99.6% |
Freight SectionShare
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Infrastructure Network |
CHF m | 3,491 | 1,838 | 2,840 | 2,210 | 2,163 | -2.1% |
Infrastructure NetworkShare
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Infrastructure Energy |
CHF m | 142 | 221 | 190 | 159 | 157 | -1.2% |
Infrastructure EnergyShare
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Group-level units |
CHF m | 20 | 30 | 37 | 44 | 42 | -5.0% |
Group-level unitsShare
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SBB as a purchaser |
Purchasing volume |
CHF m | [6,055] | [5,634] | [5,861] | 5,838 | 6,170 | +5.7% |
Purchasing volumeShare
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Proportion of suppliers based in Switzerland |
% | [91.2] | [88.5] | [86.4] | 88.5 | 90.1 | +1.6% |
Proportion of suppliers based in SwitzerlandShare
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Suppliers |
number | [14,206] | [13,315] | [13,870] | 14,244 | 14,488 | +1.7% |
SuppliersFootnoteOnly includes billers with a purchasing volume of more than CHF 2,000 in 2024.Share
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Proportion of suppliers based in Switzerland |
% | [90.4] | [90.6] | [90.5] | 90.4 | 90.3 | -0.1% |
Proportion of suppliers based in SwitzerlandFootnoteOnly includes billers with a purchasing volume of more than CHF 2,000 in 2024.Share
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