


Owing to rounding, the sums of the figures in the tables may differ from the totals stated.


[ ]

Data in square brackets is not directly comparable with the current data due to restatement.


Data on this parameter is not available.



Figure is exactly zero, or the parameter does not exist.



Infrastructure manager

Company responsible for the operation, maintenance, renewal and enhancement of the rail infrastructure.


Integrated rail

Railway undertaking that is also a railway infrastructure operator.


Intermodal freight

Haulage of freight by means of different transport modes without changing the cargo units used. A distinction is made between unaccompanied intermodal (or “combined”) freight and piggyback freight (also called “Rollende Landstrasse” in German-speaking countries).


Net tonne-kilometre

Unit of measurement for volume of freight services required; only takes account of the weight of the cargo. One net tonne-kilometre corresponds to the shipment of one net tonne of freight over a distance of one kilometre.



Standard measure for the volume of passenger services required. One passenger-journey denotes the journey made by a person from his or her starting point on the transport company’s network to his or her destination in that network. The number of passenger-journeys stated in the company statistics here are consolidated at group level.



Standard measure for the performance of passenger services. One passenger-kilometre denotes the distance  of one kilometre travelled by one person.


Passengers boarding and alighting at stations

Counts the passengers boarding and alighting from trains at the railway station in question. Passengers changing trains are counted with those boarding and those alighting.


Piggyback freight

Synonym for “accompanied” combined (intermodal) freight: transportation of a truck, together with its driver, on a railfreight wagon.


Railway undertaking

Rail company providing passenger or freight transport services.


Routes managed

The lines managed by an infrastructure management company. They may not necessarily be owned by the operator but may be leased by the operator or managed on behalf of third parties.


Seat-kilometre offered

Unit of measurement of the seat-related transport offer of a transport company. One seat-kilometre offered denotes that one passenger seat in one train or bus is available for the carriage of a person over one kilometre.


Station users

Station users include railway passengers, as well as public transport users, customers of the businesses at the station, and people passing through. Movements of people are counted in the form of the sequence of a person entering and leaving the station. This means that passengers changing from one train to another count as one movement.



Volume of freight traffic. Total gross tonnes: overall weight of a freight train including locomotive(s). Gross tonnes: hauled tonnage, i. e. overall weight of the train without locomotive(s). Net tonnes: actual payload of a freight train. Net-net tonnes: weight of the transported goods in unaccompanied intermodal transport, excluding the tare weight of the containers, swap bodies or semi-trailers.


Traffic performance

The transport service obtained by the customer, i.e. the volume transported multiplied by the distance travelled. This is measured in passenger-kilometres in the passenger segment, in tonne-kilometres in the freight segment, and in train-path kilometres in the infrastructure business.


Traffic volume

In the passenger segment, traffic volume relates to the number of passenger journeys while in the freight segment it corresponds to the tonnage transported (net tonne) and in the infrastructure segment it relates to the number of trains travelling on the network.


Train path

Entitlement to run a train on the infrastructure to a defined place and at a defined time; “timetable slot”.



Unit of measurement expressing the performance of a train from the railway company’s point of view. One train-kilometre corresponds to a journey made by a train over a distance of one kilometre.


Train-path kilometre

Standard measure for the service required by the railway companies in terms of network access, from the viewpoint of the railway infrastructure manager. A train-path kilometre corresponds to a train’s use of the rail infrastructure over a distance of one kilometre.


Transport services provided

Services provided by the infrastructure management company or train operator in the fields of infrastructure or transport respectively.


Vehicle kilometre

Unit of measurement for the operating performance of a train or bus from the transport operator’s point of view. A vehicle kilometre corresponds to a distance of one kilometre travelled by a train or bus.